Monday, April 13, 2015


Like all stray dogs, forced to eke out a living on the streets, from the moment she was born, Cookie was up against the odds to survive...

Already separated from her mother and siblings at the tender age of 2 months, she battled these odds in the company of her friend Amber (who was also subsequently adopted). But a life on the streets comes with its dangers and risks, especially for a puppy so recently weaned from its mother.

And so it was for Cookie - just a day after being adopted, she had to pay her first official visit to the vet's. A really bad hacking cough, difficulty in breathing and a serious case of diarrhoea - all tell-tale symptoms of Kennel Cough and Parvovirus - both extremely life-threading to a puppy.

But after a thorough once-over from Dr. Melvin Tan of West Coast Vetcare, and blood tests and x-rays, Cookie was prescribed antibiotics to help her on the road to recovery. She'll have to go back for a check-up in a week.

Apart from the discomfort of the tests however, Cookie remained cool and calm - making friends with staff and trying in vane to initiative play with another huge dog about 20 times her size. At just 2.4kg, the young lady's still got a ways to go before rubbing shoulders with the big guys!

After her first big adventure, Cookie heads back home - where the continued task of becoming part of the pack continues...

Follow Cookie on her Facebook page!

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